Focusing on content is good, but creating a content formula that includes images is better. The visual is a critical element when it comes to generating visibility and engagement on social media. Therefore, it is essential to know the optimal size for visuals for each social media channel that you publish on, as well as its (very frequent) updates. This is to ensure widespread reach, engagement and/or traffic generation on your website.

Formats vary strongly across platforms since each of them has its own requirements. Moreover, even though you have the option to customize the size of your visuals, following the recommendations of each channel is an efficient way to establish your legitimacy and strengthen your visibility.

For Additional Impact

It seems obvious, but should be reminded: your social media accounts have an impact on the global recognition of your brand. Make sure that all your visuals are the right size and that their quality is optimal. Social media channels have different requirements when it comes to the formats of profiles pictures, cover pictures, or publications. Take some time to adapt each visual to the right format thus ensuring the optimization of your content.

Facebook Image Sizes

Facebook provides numerous formats to avoid confusion: 851×315 pixels for your cover image, 160×160 for your profile picture, 1200×1200 for visual publications (engagement type), and 1200×628 for links to a website. To find your way, follow the Facebook Ads Guide.

Twitter Image Sizes

The social media channel with the iconic blue bird has altogether different guidelines: for your cover page, use the 1500×420 pixels format, for your profile picture, 500×500 pixels, and for publications, 420×220 pixels.

LinkedIn Image Sizes

LinkedIn also recommends specific sizes that you can find on their help page: 1400×425 pixels for the background picture, 400×400 for the profile picture, 646×220 for the banner, 50×50 for the square logo, 974×330 for the showcase picture and 50×50 for advertisement pictures.

Google+ Image Sizes

Google+ provides a large array of formats as well: 480×270 pixels for your profile photo as a minimum and 2120×1192 for your cover as a maximum. Images embedded in your publications have to fit in 497×373 pixels and the reduced square picture in the newsfeed is 150×150.

Pinterest Image Sizes

On Pinterest visuals are the main content, so take care when posting all images! Size rules are very strict: 165×165 for the profile, 217×147 minimum up to 222×150 maximum for the cover.

Instagram Image Sizes

Instagram is THE visual social media site. Since July 2015 it has been allowing pictures in an 1800×1800 pixels format. Now Instagram also accepts horizontal and vertical pictures, the recommended formats for optimal publications are as follows:

  • Vertical: 1080×1350
  • Horizontal: 1080×566

Stand Out

Strengthen your Facebook presence with the applications by Iframe Apps. Customize your tabs, optimize your landing page and create your newsletter from your Facebook publications by following this link http//
